Sunday 29 March 2015

Sunday Summary 29/03

I am so sorry about the lack of posts recently, between finals, working to pay for my expensive taste and pretending to have some pathetic excuse for a social life... it's been a tad hard, I don't have a whole lot of interesting things for you to read about! I do post on Instagram a lot though, if I am annoying you with my slight ghosting on here, chloeronauk is my username :)

Anyway, I spent a week at my parents house to chill out a bit after my exams, and to prepare myself for the next round!

1|| Real Techniques Core Collection are AMAZING. I don't get paid to say that, I have wanted them for ages and they are worth it!
2|| So I dyed my hair two tone :) On it's way to being black and white... got to take it slowly though.
3|| Lunching with Mumma Bear
4|| The new love of my life. Finally bought an Alexander McQueen Bag.
5|| Go home and Mum takes naps ;) so chilled though!
6|| Mumma Bear. Lotta love.
7|| So good to spend the week with my little man.
8|| Entered back into London with a bang. Of Mice & Men at Brixton. 100%. Blogging this ASAP!

Much Love,

Chloë Rona

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