Sunday, 15 February 2015

Sunday Summary 15/02

I have decided I am going to start doing weekly summaries (most weeks, some weeks they might just be too boring for your eyes), this way I can keep you updated in a more structured way, and those of you who know me know that I love a bit of structure in my life. Control freak, yes.

So this week has been a bit of a crazy one for me! If you spied my previous blog post, you will see that I rebranded EVERYTHING to run along side my career as a music artist. You will no longer find anything under my previous name of Little Hufff, but now under Chloë Rona, sorry if this confused anyone! Good news though, this means I will be so much more active on here and providing you with lots of my chitter chatter, videos, music and probably general nonsense that was fun at the time. So keep an eye, I really hope you all like where this exciting stuff will be going!!

I know it was just my first baby step, but this week has really shown me how much people step up when you need them to, and how much they really do care! Put your faith in people sometimes, it may not just be a front, they may actually be nice people!
I am terrible for that, I am far to cynical, I always think people are pretending to care and as soon as you're gone, they will forget, but the amount of support I have received this week from so many different people, people I haven't spoken to in years and people I don't even know, has just left me completely speechless.
So, if you are reading this, then you are one of those amazing people! You babe, you ;)

1, 2 3 & 4 || An incredible vegetarian/healthy restaurant just off Oxford Street, Ethos. Highly recomend!
5 || Lovely calm before the storm, full of goodness green smoothie bowl before my performance exam (hence the lyrics). With Organic Burst Maca & Wheatgrass. Honestly, I can't live without this company. So much love!
6 || Launch of all my online artist pages! Links at the side.
7 || New Uniform from the best company to work for! All Saints. Top || Nicole Piuma Top Jeans || Mast/Slashed Black Shoes || Aiden Jules Boots
8 || The building I live in somehow caught fire
9 || I managed to slam my finger in a fire door running out. Classic Chloë, make a bad situation even worse!
10 || Another cheeky photo from my Shoot ;)

Things I have learnt this week?

1 || People will AMAZE you when given the chance
2 || When you believe in yourself, others believe in you as well
3 || Exams can be super fun! Especially when it is the 'Rock & Metal' term.
4 || I don't give my Parents enough credit at how amazing they are

Here is my cover of 'Blind Heart' by Cazzette again for you!

Much Love,

Chloë Rona

Thursday, 12 February 2015

Chloë Rona - The Rebrand

The Next Chapter

So, as you may or may not know, I am a singer, which involves a whole lot of seeing yourself as a brand/product and not just a person. So this is just a little update to say, this is no longer 'littlehufff' as I have moved away from that was about, and transitioned into 'Chloë Rona'. My artist name, which my blog has to support and promote.

So Welcome, again, and get used to a whole lot of change. 

My cover of Blind Heart by Cazzette is now up on YouTube and Soundcloud. Listen, Like, Love....and share ;) blah blah

That is all I have to say for now. AGH! I am just so excited to share this with all of you, thank you for being so patient and I am sorry for changing my site name (

I will leave you with the cover now. Let me know what you think!

Much Love


Sunday, 8 February 2015

Best of the 90s

The 90s, personally, I think that was the best decade. I am not bias at all. I wasn't born in 1992...... I was and I am bias.
I genuinely do miss the 90s though, even though I only probably remember about 4 years of it, and that is pushing it. Some of the fashions definitely carried over into the millennium though, so I am counting a small portion of that!

I like doing posts like this every now and then, we all need a bit of silly in our lives.

So best things/things I remember clearest from the 90s? You don't have to agree with me, but you DO have to tell me your favourites!

Most important things first, of course. Toys!

I actually completely forgot about these things until I did a little research. I want one again!

I wish I had one of these. My Mum found them creepy, I never got one. I am actually seeing her point now though...

If no one else remembers these, they are going to look really weird. They were super slippy and really wrong now I am thinking about it...
This one is an obvious one. I am still waiting for mine to have a baby... what even was the point in these and who made that lie up?!

Every week I got one, if I got 100% in my weekly Maths test. If not... well obviously there was no 'if not'. I always got 100% of course... Ha..ha...
THE BEST. I want one again.
The only Gymnastics class I didn't try to miss.

Well my life hasn't turned out the way it was going to according to 'MASH'
Oh Neopets, I wasted so much time on you.
On to the films...

Oh, Heath Ledger <3

If only my Disney collection still looked like this....
And the Music...

So this song... We had a whole dance to this... yeah...


Last but not least, these babies... why have they come back?.... WHY.

Am I the only one that is weirdly happy that the 90s style (Apart from the Jellies) is now cool again?! Air Maxes, Dungarees and Chokers for days!!!

Much Love


Sunday, 1 February 2015

Open your eyes, let yourself be inspired!

Where do I start with last week? Well, it has been a roller coaster for sure, but an inspiring one.
Firstly, I am lucky enough to be going to a very good music school in West London, BIMM. Honestly, it hasn't always been good (sorry), but this year it has definitely stepped it's game up and I will now finally say that I recommend it to any musician looking to study in London.
Now, being in my final year is really starting to sink in.   I need to get things moving with my music and getting past a lot of the personal things that have been holding me back. It is easy to let time pass you by, work within your comfort zone, but not actually do anything to make a difference to getting to the next level. I believe what is said a lot, but few people really take in, 'Hurdles are all in your mind'. Yes, they may physically be there, like something new you need to learn, passing exams or not having enough money to support what you want to do (these are my current hurdles). I say it is all in your mind because all it takes to get passed these is changing your mindset. Okay, I need to learn something new... so stop looking at things you can't afford and go learn! I need to pass exams, that is obvious, REVISE. I don't have money...cut back on certain costs or things I don't need and work with what you've currently got, prioritise!
Of course, some things really are an issue and for some people, it might be very different. But if you switch your mindset to be more positive, as I said before, everything just comes that little bit more manageable.

I've gone off on a bit of a tangent. So, inspiring moment of the week, number one.
BIMM organised a couple of incredible masterclasses this week, the first one with Ella Eyre and her management, Charlie Arme and James Merritt. I'm going to have to say it, but my God is that girl beautiful! Not just in the way she looks but her personality, how clearly she sees the world for what it is, she is so down to earth! It just goes to show, if you are successful at a young age, you don't automatically turn into a spoilt diva.
Her and her management had so many insightful, inspiring things to say, I would be here all day if I tried to share it all, but I will give you a few of the main things.
Ella definitely seemed to understand that you have to work for everything you want in life, there aren't any shortcuts or cheats, especially as a singer, you really have to sacrifice some things. In many people's cases, your social life is going to take a huge hit. But in the long run, missing a few nights out (no one is saying all of them) for success in a career that takes you all over the world, that you love, it is worth it. Working, university and personal projects are a lot for anyone to handle! Just don't be afraid to say you can't, if your friends are true friends, they will support you and stick with you.
Another point raised was how much this generation uses social media, it is all well and good having your head stuck in the sand, but the rest of the world will be flying pass you. Social media presence is so so important to get your name and image out there. Don't just put any old garbage out there though, be clever, think about what you want your image to be and how you want people to see you. Sometimes it isn't necessarily garbage, it can be a good image or track, but it still won't be how you want to be seen, think about EVERYTHING that goes out to the public before you post it.
Carrying on from that, when you are thinking about your image you have to bare in mind, you can't be something that someone has done before. You have to be different, unique, you have to have something that stands out as YOU.
The main thing that was obvious though, was how well Ella and her management got on, and the respect they had for each other. Neither of them was on top or in charge, they listened to each other and worked well as a team. In this industry, it is so easy to be dragged in by the promises and dazzling offers that you find yourself signed up to a deal with someone who tells you what to do and doesn't care at all about what you want...and then you're stuck.
Key piece of information: If you have the right management, positivity, understanding and respect for the people around you, you will be able to create the music you want.
I LOVE this quote that someone said to Ella once, 'You are the CEO of yourself, your own brand'. You have to look after yourself, what you stand for and make decisions with great thought. Your life literally depends on it. Be picky and forceful with what you want, it shows you care.

Number two, is another masterclass BIMM organised, they were on a roll last week!
MNEK! Seriously, the most genuine, intelligent, funny guy ever and he said he loved my ink and anyone who says that is cool by me.
So much of what he said backed up exactly what Ella Eyre was saying, you really have to be in the right place at the right time, or rather, PUT YOURSELF IN THE RIGHT PLACE AT ALL TIMES. Then eventually, you will find yourself there. Also, you have to put in so many hours, the hours you put in, you will get back. In a year’s time when you look back, you will see how far you have come.
MNEK was talking to us all about song writing, giving us a few little tips and ways to change our process of writing electronic based tracks.
There is something about listening to someone basically my age, who is successful, talking about how they do something I have been trying to teach myself for the past two years. It just makes so much more sense, and more understandable. It gave me the courage I needed to push myself and motivate myself to get off my ass and go for what I want, in a way that I hadn't in so long! It kind of helps that the guy is a genius, some people can tell you for days their ways of doing things, but it just takes one inspiring person to suggest their way, you try it and it all clicks into place. Since that masterclass I have been messing about on Logic, on my iMac, constantly trying to find new sounds and write new tracks.

If I had one piece of advice from last week it would be to listen to people. And I mean REALLY LISTEN. Take notes, record them, contact them again later if you need to, but when people are talking about something you could benefit from, take in everything they say. Definitely don't pass up an opportunity to speak to and hear from these people!! If you are in a position to talk to people and learn from people and all you have to do is put yourself out there and ask, then do it! I did that last week with a tutor who isn't my normal tutor, and I learnt SO much in just a 45 minute, or so, chat with him in a coffee shop.

LET YOURSELF BE INSPIRED. Don't hide away if you feel inspiration seeping, that is the worst thing you can do.

Anyway. Rant/Essay/Hopefully helpful words OVER.
Now, go and do stuff...

Much Love,
